Nowadays, when I start Dropbox from command line, I found that the Dropbox system tray icon is missing.

I tried ps, and found that Dropbox is running in background:

		% ps -efww | grep -v grep | grep dropbox 
		nostalg+ 17209     1  0 Apr11 pts/6    00:02:45 /home/nostalgia/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-3.18.1/dropbox /newerversion start

dropbox-cli indicates that Dropbox is working properly:

		% dropbox-cli status
		Syncing (3 files remaining, 41 mins left)
		Uploading "x.html"...
		Downloading 2 files (25.8 KB/sec, 41 mins left)

I googled, eventually and luckily, found the solution:

		% dbus-launch /opt/dropbox/dropbox start

It seems that it’s a bug of Dropbox. 🙁

Now, Dropbox works like a charm again.


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